Various resources are made available here to inform about the Northpark Drive Overpass Project. Included are downloadable files as well as videos, all of which are publicly available via participating entities.
Project Documents
Northpark 3 WK look ahead 03.05.2025
Please see the attached look ahead schedule for Northpark with the following updates:
The Large Storm Sewer crew will be working in front of Culvers and Care Now Urgent Care to complete the 6×5 RCB’s and the roadway subgrade in that area.
Depending on the status of the bore the crew will either move across the street to EB NorthPark to begin installing the 7×6 RCB’s running from the dry cleaners going west up to Sonic or move to WB Northpark and complete the remaining 4×4 RCB’ running west to the railroad tracks.
The Small Storm Sewer Crew will begin working on the EB NorthPark Laterals running from Kingsmill east to the project end.
During the second week, while installing the lateral’s on EB Northpark, they will also be working with MUD98 installing water meters and connecting potable water services from Italiano’s east towards Kingsmill.
The Dirt Crew will be placing cement slurry on Northpark WBFR followed by the placement of base at the end of the second week. After the WBFR preparatory work is complete and ready for paving, the Dirt Crew will begin the fine grading process on EB Northpark from Kingsmill going east to the end of the project.
The Paving Crew will come in the third week to complete fast track paving on WB Northpark in front of the Culvers.
Driveway and Sidewalk work on WB Northpark running from Culvers to the Chick-fila is scheduled to begin the week of the 17th-22nd.
Video Resources
Northpark Drive Traffic Simulation
YouTube video, will play in place. To enlarge choose the full screen icon in the lower right of the video
Northpark Drive Design Simulation
YouTube video, will play in place. To enlarge choose the full screen icon in the lower right of the video
Northpark Drive Overpass Project
YouTube video, will play in place. To enlarge choose the full screen icon in the lower right of the video
Additional Resources
- Project Email List
- Meeting Handouts
- Public Meeting Photos
- Public Comment Forms